Fishing with SAP Tables – A poem dedicated to all the SAP tables we use daily
A poem dedicated to the SAP tables which i worked.
This will serve as an easy way to remember all the main SAP tables used for any development.
Ring the bells of all SAP tables.
Remember Bank tables start with B, say “BKNF , BKPF”.
Remember Customer tables start with K , say “KNA1,KONV”.
Remember Material tables start with M, say “MARA , MAKT , MARC”.
Remember Master data tables start with T, say “T001, T001W”.
Remember Purchasing tables start with E, say “EKKO, EKPO”
Remember Sales table start with V, say “VBAK,VBAP”.
Remember Vendor tables start with L, say “LFA1”.
Ring the bells of all SAP tables.
Six main FI tables, six important FI tables.
They contain an I if it is an open item.
They contain an A if it is a closed item.
They contain an S if a GL account say “BSIS , BSAS”.
Ring the bells of all SAP tables.
As i was remembering the table names of Billing, Delivery, Sales and Purchasing.
Each table had a K if it is a header data, say “VBAK, VBAP, LIKP, VBRK, EKKO”.
Each table had a P if it is an item data, say “VBAP, LIPS , VBRP , EKPO”.
Ring the bells of all SAP tables.
With a D at the end , the table is a Customer
With a K at the end, the table is a Vendor.
Finally TSTC tables danced for keeping the list of all transaction codes
Ring the bells of all SAP tables.
Some German words would be nice to know, for example:
E = Einkauf (Purchasing)
V = Verkauf (Sales)
K = Kopf (Header)
P = Position (Item)
Thank you for sharing this both fun, creative and informative poem. As a Uni student learning SAP this was great resource to be able to share with fellow students, with full credit to yourself, in presentation about the use of a SAP table. Very good background info to know about about the naming of SAP tables. Thank you.
Hi Manesh,
Thank you for the poem. I like the idea to learn things with poems.
Superb Thought!!!
I will print this out and put on the wall 😆
Good Idea....
Hi Deepti,
Sorry using the wrong thread to ask about a different query. I saw your answer for a previous question about "Activating Open Item Management" for an GL account to which already values are posted.
We had created a bank clearing account, and posted values to it, the balance of this account is 0.00
We have now realized that this should be "OIM" account, We are not using New GL, and we are in SAP ECC 6.0. Is t-code "FAGL_ACTIVATE_OP" relevant to us? because when I try executing it, I get a message
"Balance of ledger 0L differs from the account balance"
"Company code 6000 is not considered for the activation"
Can you please suggest, how do we activate "OIM" for this GL account.
Thank you,