Technical Articles
SAP AS ABAP Developer Edition: Steps to fix DBACOCKPIT and extending your DB space
UPDATE: The steps on extending the DB space would not work if you have installed AS ABAP 7.52 SP04. Please refer to for the explanation why and the how-to for this release.
First of all, having SAP provide these Developer Edition ABAP servers for FREE is an absolute blessing! I’m sure the entire community is absolutely grateful and appreciate it – I know I am!
Here’s the link to download the ABAP servers and there are also links to guides on how to install found on the same page, if you don’t already know –
Anyway, I did notice a couple of issues when I first installed these instances with DBACOCKPIT and would like to share some of the fixes that I’ve done to my local instance. I’ve had these fixes ‘documented’ for a while but didn’t have the time to publish them. But, here they are and I hope these will be useful to others too.
The steps below should be applicable to both the 750 SP02 and 751 SP02 versions.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a SAP Basis resource nor a SAP DBA, these steps below somehow worked for me and I certainly cannot guarantee that they will work for you too. Proceed at your own risk (especially the part about extending the DB)! I can not be held responsible if any of these steps below made your system unusable. If you agree, you may proceed.
Error when executing transaction DBACOCKPIT
ISSUE: If you run transaction DBACOCKPIT after installing the server, you might notice the error messages below. I believe that’s because the password for the user ‘sapsa’ was changed to the master password that we entered during installation and needs to be updated in the system.
Step 1: Switch to the SAPGUI version of the DBACOCKPIT
Step 2: Navigate to System Landscape -> Database Connections -> Then drop-down on the folder SAP ASE and select the node +++SYBADM.
If you click on the “Test” button before changing your username and password, you might see this error message below.
So, go ahead and click on the button ‘Change User Credentials’ and enter the following:
Username: sapsa
Password: <your master password> ” The password you entered when prompted when installing the ABAP server
Step 3: Validate that the username + password now works by clicking on the ‘Test’ button
That’s it! Now, if you restart the DBACOCKPIT transaction again, you no longer get the error messages that you saw earlier.
Errors in DBACOCKPIT periodic jobs
Now, if you’ve fixed the issue above, you should now be able to go into DBACOCKPIT and explore around. Then, I noticed another issue…
ISSUE: Data Collector and other periodic jobs are getting some sort of authentication errors as well.
Go to the tab ‘Database NPL’, then click on the dropdown ‘Configuration’ -> DBA Cockpit Framework -> Data Collectors and Admin Procedures
Look at the ‘Errors’ column and select on one of the rows with Errors on it.
And I saw the error entries below…
SOLUTION: After some Googling around, looks like we just need to drop and recreate the extern login for SYB_JSTASK.
For this, go to the virtual machine and run XTERM and execute the following commands.
- Switch over to user SYBNPL and enter your master password when prompted – su sybnpl
- Then, login to the DB with isql – isql -SNPL -Usapsa -X
- Enter password when prompted – <master password>
Then, let’s validate to make sure that there is indeed a login for SYB_JSTASK set up in the system. To do this, execute the following commands
- > use master
- > go
- > sp_helpexternlogin
- > go
You should see a return of at least 1 row with the Server SYB_JSTASK and Login/Externlogin with sapsa. Now, let’s fix the issue by dropping the Externlogin and re-creating it again.
We execute sp_dropexternlogin to drop it.
- > exec sp_dropexternlogin SYB_JSTASK, sapsa
- > go
You should then see a message that says ‘Remote login/alias dropped.’
Finally, we execute sp_addexternlogin to recreate it again
- > exec sp_addexternlogin SYB_JSTASK, sapsa, sapsa, ‘<master password>’
- > go
And that’s it. If you have followed the steps above, you should get a similar screen as below.
And now, if you go back into DBACOCKPIT and monitor the logs of the periodic jobs again, you should now see success entries instead of the error logs. Refer to the green arrows below.
OPTIONAL: Add more space to database NPL by extending it
While browsing around DBACOCKPIT, I also noticed that the free space for database NPL is pretty limited. There’s about 3GB of free space left for the delivered AS ABAP 751 SP02 instance.
You can find the screen-shot above in DBACOCKPIT if you click to ‘Database NPL’ tab, then Performance -> Dashboard and look under Space Usage.
This step is completely optional. 3GB should really be sufficient for a lot of the POCs or test development that I want to perform but I wanted to see if I could extend / add more space to this database. If you do too, you can follow the steps below, but please make sure that your virtual machine has enough free space to be allocated to the database. I am going to extend the database by another 10GB of space.
You need to be in the virtual machine and also be running XTERM to execute the steps below:
- Switch over to user SYBNPL and enter your master password when prompted – su sybnpl
- Then, login to the DB with isql – isql -SNPL -Usapsa -X
- Enter password when prompted – <master password>
- > use master
- > go
- > disk init name = ‘NPL_data_002’, physname = ‘/sybase/NPL/sapdata_1/NPL_data_002.dat’, skip_alloc = true, size = ‘10240M’
- > go
- > alter database NPL on NPL_data_002 =’10240M’
- > go
Done! Now, let’s head back into DBACOCKPIT and see what we’ve done there.
Ahhh.. now that’s better!
That’s all folks! Good luck!
Good share. Add my two cents:
I'd like to do the two configuration changes for the database when setting up the DEMO server.
1. Enlarge the memory of ASE database.
This is controlled by ASE parameter "max memory", I'd like to set to 45% of memory of the virtual machine. e.g. if my VM memory is 8192MB then it will be 3686MB. Notice that the parameter is using 2KB as unit, so the actual value to be configured is:
8192 * 45% * 1024 / 2 = 1887436
Then login ASE DB with user sybnpl with isql:
isql -X -W999 -SNPL -Usapsa -P<master password>
sp_configure "max memory", 1887436
-> This is a static parameter so you have to reboot ASE DB to take effect.
2. Enlarge the number of user connections of ASE DB.
After I installed the DEMO system I also notice that the default value of the "number of user connections" parameter is set too small (only 25) for AS ABAP application server. If I increase the number of work processes, then I got database related shortdumps to address this as well.
This is controlled by ASE parameter "number of user connections". It is a dynamic parameter, just set to 500 then usually you don't need to worry about it.
Then login ASE DB with user sybnpl with isql:
isql -X -W999 -SNPL -Usapsa -P<master password>
sp_configure "number of user connections", 500
-> This change takes effect immediately. (As long as the configured max memory is sufficient for ASE DB).
Best Regards,
Thanks for the tips Alex! It's certainly very helpful as well!
Thank you for your input.
Hi Alex, Alban
Thanks for those parameter changes. It has made a bit of difference to my system’s response time.
I’ve played with changing them using both isql and DBACOCKPIT –> Configuration –> Server Configuration and in the later it says that max memory is dynamic (meaning it takes effect immediately). I compared the memory utilization of the Linux process dataserver and it appeared to take effect immediately.
In return;
For more detail about your space utilisation (including the transaction logs), look in DBACOCKPIT –> Space –> Devices
I decided to try increasing the size of my transaction logs as well; from your sybnpl user:
Three points;
hth !!
Even though this blog is a bit old by now, It has helped me greatly. I haven't had anything to do with SYBASE ASE (well this type of basis things in general) before and those kind of issues really got me during the installation of the ABAP "trial".
Great Blog and thanks!
Hi, it's a great blog. Thanks.
Currently I am having issue as follows. I was wondering if you can help.
After the command,
I am getting following messages.
try isql64, it helped me.
Hi Alban,
Once more, an excellent blog from you!
Thanks - I'll add it to the FAQs.
Best wishes,
That solution did not work for me because there is another issue, there is a ‘hole’ in table sysusages that will prevent to access the added disk space.
BUT there is another solution from Paweł Wiejkut:
Best wishes,
Hi Stephane Gabric - Thanks for leaving a comment and yes, I did confirm that this method will not work with ABAP AS 7.52 SP04.
However, if anyone has the older releases - eg: 7.50 / 7.51, it should work fine.