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Enablement Topics

To help you get started building, we've come up with a set of topics that we think might be useful, and have put together content so you can level up before you get started.

Week 1

Calendar Week 35

Aug 24 - Aug 28

SAP Cloud Platform Workflow

Topic Owner: DJ Adams

With the SAP Cloud Platform Workflow service you can build process definitions that combine system access, business logic and user tasks (for people to be given the chance to make decisions) in an easy and intuitive way. Add to this the fact that you can use the integration capabilities to make HTTP calls to external services, and also interact with running instances of these definitions via a rich set of APIs, and the workflow service just might be the backbone of the whatever you'll end up building.

Level up using the content linked from the SAP Cloud Platform Workflow enablement topic page.

Week 2

Calendar Week 36

Aug 31 - Sep 04

SAP Cloud Platform, ABAP Environment & ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model(RAP)

Topic Owner: Rich Heilman

In this overview of the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model, learn how to use proven and new technologies, such as Core Data Services (CDS) and Behavior definition and implementation languages, to build SAP Fiori apps and OData services with SAP Cloud Platform, ABAP Environment and on premise SAP S/4HANA.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 3

Calendar Week 37

Sep 07 - Sep 11

SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP)

Topic Owners: Max Streifeneder and Thomas Jung

"The SAP Cloud Application Programming Model is a framework of languages, libraries, and tools for building enterprise-grade services and applications. It guides developers along a ‘golden path’ of proven best practices and a great wealth of out-of-the-box solutions to recurring tasks."

Get to know the Big Picture of the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP) and learn how to build your first standalone application using SAP Business Application Studio, CDS, Node.js. SQLite, SAP HANA Cloud and SAP Cloud Platform.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 4

Calendar Week 38

Sep 14 - Sep 18

SAP Business Application Studio for SAP Fiori Development

Topic Owner: Marius Obert

This session will provide the first glimpse of SAP's latest development environment - the SAP Business Application Studio. You will learn how to use this developement platform to build a Fiori Application that sits on top of an existing OData service. The content focuses on the developement of the Fiori Application as well as the tooling that enables the development process.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 5

Calendar Week 39

Sep 21 - Sep 25

SAP HANA: Multi-model

Topic Owners: Mathias Kemeter, Markus Fath and Vitaliy Rudnytskiy

SAP HANA’s Spatial Engine allows you to process and analyze spatial data like a geo-ninja. Learn how to handle geo-spatial data and derive advanced insights on an SQL level. Since SAP HANA is following the OGC standards, you will be easily able to visualize your work on almost any map.

Networks are all around us - road networks, social networks, supplier networks, communication networks etc. The SAP HANA Graph engine allows you to model, process, and analyze connected data. Learn how to work with graphs within the SAP HANA database.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

In this week we will also host the Devtoberfest Community Speed Networking session. This session is an opportunity for project leads of contest entrants to come together and explain their project goals/vision and to recruit member to help them out during the upcoming build week. You can of course attend if you just want to learn about all the great community projects. But if you are looking for a project to join, this is your chance to learn about some of the possible options. Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020

Recording of the Webinar

Week 6

Calendar Week 40

Sep 28 - Oct 2

Multiple Topics: Cloud APIs, Building VSCode Extensions, and Google Chrome Extensions

Topic Owners: DJ Adams, Thomas Jung, Max Streifeneder

Like other weeks, the topic page will have the detailed schedule. However unlike other weeks we have a mixture of multiple topics this week. Therefore here is also an overview of the entire schedule for the week:

Date / Time Mon 28 Sep Tues 29 Sep Wed 30 Sep Thurs 1 Oct Fri 2 Oct
0800 CEST
HANA Multi-model
Office Hours #1
1000 CEST
VSCode Extensions
with Jhodel Cailan
1200 CEST
Cloud APIs
Ex 01
Cloud APIs
Ex 03
Cloud APIs
Ex 05
1215 CEST
Cloud APIs
Ex 02
Cloud APIs
Ex 04
1245 CEST
Cloud APIs
Ex 06
1400 CEST
HANA Multi-model
Office Hours #2
Chrome Extensions
1800 EST
VSCode Extensions
VSCode Extensions
Large Scale Example
1815 EST
VSCode Extensions
Hello World Tutorial

Cloud APIs

APIs are more prominent than ever in the cloud, and in the context of SAP Cloud Platform it is important to understand the scope of APIs, where to find information about them, how OAuth 2.0 is used to protect them, and perhaps most of all to get a hands-on feeling for how APIs calls are made.

In the sessions for this Cloud APIs topic, we'll look at where we can find information on API resources, we'll get a solid understanding of OAuth 2.0, and we'll then take a set of APIs for a spin, setting up for and calling various endpoints from within the SAP Business Application Studio and within the SAP API Business Hub too.

Find out more about the sessions for this topic on the Cloud APIs topic page.

Building VSCode Extensions

As we have seen over several weeks of sessions, the vast majority of the development experience is delivered via the Business Application Studio and/or VSCode. The two have a close relationship sharing similar architecture, design and importantly the same approach to extensions. This is how SAP is now able to develop new editors and development tools and deliver them to both SAP Business Application Studio and VSCode.

In this topic's sessions we will look at how a VSCode extension is developed and how you can begin to create your own extensions.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Google Chrome Extensions

"Extensions are small software programs that customize the browsing experience. They enable users to tailor Chrome functionality and behavior to individual needs or preferences. They are built on web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

An extension must fulfill a single purpose that is narrowly defined and easy to understand. A single extension can include multiple components and a range of functionality, as long as everything contributes towards a common purpose.", so the short description of Google Chrome Extensions.

Do you use some chrome extensions yourself and have often thought about writing a chrome extension yourself, but you don't know what's necessary and what the first steps are? We interviewed Jeffrey Groneberg, Principal Cloud Solution Architect, about his first Chrome Extension.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 7

Calendar Week 41

Oct 05 - Oct 09

project "Kyma"

Topic Owners: Kevin Muessig and Josh Bentley

What is Kyma??? - Kyma /kee-ma/ is a platform for extending applications with serverless functions and microservices. It provides a selection of cloud-native projects glued together to simplify the creation and management of extensions.

SAP has launched the SAP Cloud Platform, Kyma runtime. With this, you can now get a Kubernetes-based runtime offering as part of SAP Cloud Platform next to the Cloud Foundry application runtime, or ABAP runtime – letting you choose what best fits your needs.

Learn what Kyma is and how you can adopt it as a company to better extend your existing On-Prem and Cloud solutions.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 8

Calendar Week 42

Oct 12 - Oct 16

Community Open Source Projects

Topic Owners: None

This week will be unique amongst all the enablement topics. Instead of focusing on a particular technology or tool, this week will be all about creating, contributing to, or maintaining community open source projects. Instead of SAP presenters this week we will showcase key community members, past and present, who will speak on their experiences. We will have open Q&A and panel discussions where these developer heroes share what its been like for them to create or utilize open source projects in the SAP world.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 9

Calendar Week 43

Oct 19 - Oct 23


Topic Owners: Our friends from GitHub

This week the enablement topic is GitHub itself. In order to share your open source project you need some technology to host and serve out your content. Git is largely the defacto standard for source control in general and particularly for open source content. And GitHub offers the most popular managed and public instance of Git.

As many of you will be interacting with GitHub to host your open source project or contributing to one as part of the Devtoberfest contest next week. Therefore it would be useful to learn about some of the most powerful features of GitHub itself. In this week we have learning materials and interactive Q&A session offered by experts directly from GitHub.

Find more information about this session on the topic page.

Week 10

Calendar Week 44

Oct 24 - Nov 1

Build Week

Topic Owners: You!

This is the build sprint where you can create or contribute to an open source project to be part of the contest aspect of Devtoberfest. Build something that makes your fellow SAP developers lives better and do so in open source so everyone can share in it. What you decide to build could be a tool, a library, or even just a code sample. Or an enhancement to an existing community project.

If you want to participate in the contest/building challenge, then you must register as an individual with Eventbrite.

In order to track the open source projects that will be judged, we also ask that you add the URL to your project in the entry.txt via pull request.