
Design Patterns Library

Course info
Sep 10, 2010
15h 37m
Table of contents
Introduction to Design Patterns
Adapter Pattern
Bridge Pattern
The Builder Pattern
Chain of Responsibility
The Command Pattern
Composite Pattern
Decorator Design Pattern
Event Aggregator
Facade Pattern
Factory Patterns
Interpreter Pattern
Iterator Pattern
Lazy Load Pattern
Mediator Pattern
Model View Presenter (MVP) Pattern
Model View ViewModel (MVVM) Pattern
Null Object Pattern
Observer Pattern
The Prototype Pattern
Proxy Pattern
Service Locator Pattern
State Pattern
Strategy Pattern
Template Method
Unit of Work
Visitor Pattern
Rules Pattern
Specification Pattern
Course info
Sep 10, 2010
15h 37m
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The Design Patterns Library contains descriptions and examples of software design patterns that you can apply in your daily development. These patterns are time proven techniques for building long-lived, well factored software that are widely used in software development today.

Unlike other courses in our library, this course will continue to grow with new patterns each month, so check back often.

Course FAQ
Course FAQ
What is a software design pattern?

You can think of a design pattern as a template for how to solve a specific problem when designing software.

How strictly do I need to follow software design patterns?

Design patterns do not dictate every line of code because even though we all run into similar problems, each situation is unique. A design pattern will give you a great starting point but is not the end solution, itself.

Is Pluralsight's software design pattern library comprehensive?

No, that's impossible. As the craft of software development continues to expand, there are always new classifications, problems, and software design patterns coming to light. But we are always adding new design patterns to this library so check back often.

What software is required for this course?

These design patterns were built for the .NET Framework.

About the author
About the author

Steve Smith (@ardalis) is an entrepreneur and software developer with a passion for building quality software as effectively as possible.

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